The following are a collection of short stories of the revival that took place onboard the destroyer, USS Barry (DD-933), from 1979 until 1981. The stories tell of the common experiences that take place during revivals—the good, the bad, and the ugly!

USS Barry (DD-933)
Mayport, FL
Nov. 1978
I believe the Lord allowed me (Chet Swearingen) to participate in that revival in order to train me for my future, as well as prepare me for another revival that will take place, but on a much larger scale. I was very young when this all happened (18-21 years old), and my youthfulness was a major factor in all of the mistakes that were made during that time. My prayer is that I have learned from them and that I am now able to effectively communicate well enough to help pastors and church leaders avoid some of those same mistakes.
5. The First of the Dominoes to Fall
6. Hours of Nonstop Praise and Adoration
13. Another Plate of Ribs Please!
14. The Cross and the Switchblade
15. Disciple-Maker (spiritual mentor)
16. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
18. Ministering to Homosexuals
20. Antagonists and Confrontations
28. Denominationalism Onboard the Barry
Return to List of Revival Stories
Chet & Phyllis Swearingen:
Office: (260) 920-8248
Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706