1979 USS Barry Revival
The Destroyer, USS Barry (DD-933)
The USS Barry was the first ship I (Chet Swearingen) was stationed on during my eight years in the US Navy. During the years of 1979-1981, a revival took place onboard this ship wherein many young men renewed their faith in Christ, and many others made first-time commitments to Him.
This post has been written to give an overview of what happened, similar to all our other revival stories. The full account of the USS Barry revival, with its very short 32 chapters can be read with this link.
The Beginning
This revival got its start in April 1979, as two young men (Don W. and Jim T.) would read their Bibles below my bed every night. Listening to their conversations convicted me of sin, and I made the decision at that time to rededicate my life to Jesus.
Bunks were stacked three high.
Don W. (left) and Jim T. (far right)
Extraordinary Prayer
Following my rededication, and through the united prayers of Don, Jim, and myself, people began making commitments to the Lord, just like a row of dominoes falling, one right after the other.

Chet (left), with Ken, who
accepted Christ in Bahrain.
What Happened
The USS Barry was on a Middle East deployment at this time, and by spending many days at sea, rarely seeing land or even another ship, it gave us passionate evangelists plenty of opportunity to pass out Gospel tracts as well as share one-on-one with our shipmates.
It was obvious that through our prayers there was an accompanying power attached to the evangelism, and it produced deep conviction of sin as young men would read the tracts or hear the Good News.
At times people would come up to us and pointedly ask, “What’s different about you?” It was obvious that the Holy Spirit had been working on that person, and when we told them why we were different, and of the hope we have in Christ, they would, within a short period of time, pray the prayer and submit their lives to Jesus.

Joe G. (far right) received Christ
in Boston – 1981
Signs to Confirm the Message (Mark 16:20)
In addition to nightly Bible studies there was also singing and testifying. Prior to the conclusion of our Bible studies, we would frequently ask the question the Apostle Paul asked: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed” (Acts 19:2a)? With many of these young men being atheists, or agnostics, never having attended a church even once, their response was very biblical, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:2b).
We would then open our Bibles, tell them of the Promise of the Father, and without fail, He would come and make Himself known to the individuals with an undeniable awareness of His presence.
It was an overwhelming and startling sight to see young men who had never been to church a day in their life, and who had never been exposed to what genuine and passionate worship was, and then to see them immediately lift their hands and begin to praise, worship, honor, and glorify God, as if they had been doing it their entire lives.
USS Barry (DD-933)

Mike C., received Christ in 1980.
Cliff diving in Newport, RI
Results of the Revival
► The gospel was communicated to all onboard the ship.
► Backsliders returned to Christ.
► Atheists and agnostics turned to Christ.
► Persecution and mockery arose.
► Young men had encounters with God, forming memories that would stick with them for life.
► Though many mistakes were made during this revival, as outlined in the expanded version of this story, I was given a first-hand experience in a revival, positioning me in preparation for several much larger revivals that would take place in the future.
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Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
(260) 920-8248
Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706