1993 Boston Revival
This is one of thousands of local revivals that occurred around the world during the 1990s, with many of them having similarities. These revivals were often carried from one location to another as pastors or significant leaders from a church would visit a location that was currently experiencing revival. As that pastor or leader had an experience with God in the location they were visiting, the fire of revival would attach itself to them, and they would carry it back to their home church. There it would kindle a fire, causing the revival to spread further.
Through the centuries this has been a recurring phenomenon with revivals, that there can be “carriers of revival” transporting and spreading it from one location to another.
Center of this Revival
The church where this revival occurred was the Christian and Teaching Worship Center, located in Woburn, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. At the time the 450-member congregation was pastored by Paul and Mona Johnian. (The building is currently used by a Korean congregation – Onnuri – 73 Pine St., Woburn, MA.)
73 Pine St., Woburn, Massachusetts. Today the building where the revival occurred is used by a Korean congregation.
Leading Up to the Revival
During the last week of October, 1993, the Johnians attended an annual conference of the Fellowship of Charismatic and Christian Ministries International, on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Speaking at that conference was the South African-born American evangelist, Rodney Howard-Browne.
As Howard-Browne would lay his hands on the assembled pastors, praying to impart a blessing, many of them would “fall under the power,” or as some would say, be “slain in the Spirit.” Another common manifestation would be holy laughter.

Mona Johnian
What Happened
On Sunday, November 7, 1993, the Johnians were back at their church in Woburn. Bill Ligon, pastor of the Christian Renewal Church of Brunswick, Georgia, was invited to be the guest speaker that day.
With Ligon also having attended the October conference on Jekyll Island, he was carrying on him a renewed anointing, which became evident during the service on that morning.
As the service was turned over to Ligon, he sat on the edge of the stage, and after about five minutes he began walking down the center isle of the church. When he would stop beside a person seated in an aisle chair, they would fall to the floor and begin laughing.
There was no incitement of any sort to bring this physical manifestation about. Soon, others in the congregation began to sense a happiness, or joy, that filled the room. This awareness of the presence of God, and its accompanying joy and laughter, continued for several years.
As the news of this revival spread, the Johnians were invited to travel to other churches in the USA, as well as other nations, to share about what was taking place in their church. As they did that, similar outpourings would take place. One such location was Bath Baptist Church of Bath, Maine.
Visits from Other Nations
As the news of the revival at the Woburn, Massachusetts, church spread, people began coming from throughout the United States, as well as from nations around the world—seeking to “catch the fire” and take it back to their church and community.
Results of the Revival
► With no prompting, evangelism began to occur in the marketplace.
► People were being saved, rededicating their lives, and repenting from sins.
► There was restoration of relationships between pastors.
► People were set free of bondages.
► Stoic men were on their knees praying as tears streamed down their faces.
► Physical healings were occurring.
► There was deliverance from demonic oppression.
► A wall of the sanctuary was removed to make more room as the attendance increased.
► The Fresh Anointing by Mona Johnian
► Revival 2000! By Mona Johnian
► A History of the Worldwide Awakening of 1992-1995 by Richard Riss
Return to List of Revival Stories
Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
(260) 920-8248
Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706