The “Spark” for the 1970 Asbury College Revival
The Spark for Revival

Jeannine Brabon
Revivals never just materialize without extraordinary prayer, and that prayer is always organized by someone. Prior to the 1970 Asbury College Revival, the Lord used Jeannine Brabon, the Class Chaplain and third-year student at Asbury College to be that “spark”.
The atmosphere on the Asbury campus was filled with tension among administrators, faculty, and students. It was at the height of the Viet Nam War and the counterculture movement was in full swing. Many other colleges were experiencing riots. Asbury had a significant problem with illegal drug use and racial integration was a heated topic. Asbury was in need of revival.
What Happened

Hughes Memorial Auditorium, Asbury College
During her sophomore year 1967-1968 Jeanine Brabon began leading a half hour prayer meeting before each chapel service in the basement of Hughes Auditorium. Other groups were also meeting for prayer around the campus.
Jeannine obtained permission to conduct an all-night prayer meeting, which took place on Friday, October 3, 1969. There were around 150 students present. According to Jeannine’s testimony, “The Shekinah glory fell.” The prayer meeting continued till 3 a.m.
Great Experiment
Following that prayer meeting, Jeannine and five other students began a 30-Day Great Experiment, wherein those six students covenanted with one another to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer and in the Bible every morning, writing down what the Lord showed them. They were then to share what they had learned and what God was doing in their life with other students during that day.
Great Results

God sent revival
A second “Great Experiment” was started on January 2, 1970, and this one involved 36 students. On the last day of their “Experiment”, Saturday, January 31, those 36 students had the chapel service, wherein they shared how God had changed their lives over the course of the previous 30 days. Toward the close of the chapel service, Jeannine informed the students assembled that there were commitment cards on every chair in the chapel. She invited every student to join with them for another 30-Day “Great Experiment,” and 200 students made that commitment.
Three days later, Tuesday, February 3, 1970, during the chapel service in Hughes Auditorium, the revival broke out. The account of that revival can be read on our website post with this link.
A Revival Account: Asbury 1970 Video Dr. Dennis F. Kinlaw
Spontaneous Revivals by Robert J. Kanary
Heart-Cry for Revival video by Sammy Tippit Ministries
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