2008 Lakeland Outpouring
This account of the Lakeland Outpouring will not be approached judgmentally, pointing out flaws or weaknesses in any one person or groups of persons. In any revival or outpouring there will always be a mixture of Spirit, flesh, and demonic. That is an unavoidable reality, because whenever God moves in power, Satan will always throw up obstacles to derail the plans of God. That is the well-known reality of revivals and awakenings, that even those most grounded in the Word of God will acknowledge.
If you would like to examine flaws associated with this Outpouring, a simple internet search will provide you with more information than what you would desire to read.

Todd Bentley
Todd Bentley
The central character in this Outpouring was Canadian-born Todd Bentley. Having been born into a highly dysfunctional family on January 10, 1976, he spent his early life and teen years being raised in foster homes, addicted to drugs, involved in various criminal activities, resulting in him being in 5 prisons before he was 16.
Bentley was converted a few days before his 18th birthday, around the end of December 1993, or early January 1994. His conversion experience created a deep hunger for the Bible and the moving of the Holy Spirit in signs, wonders, and miracles.
By 1997 he was a regular speaker in a storefront church in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The meetings he spoke at were multi-denominational revival meetings, consisting mostly of young people. These services were very powerful with young people having dramatic encounters with God.
When not speaking at these meetings, Bentley would often evangelize on the streets. The street evangelism was regularly accompanied by very accurate words of prophecy, opening the door for the sharing of the Gospel.
In May of 1998, at 22 years of age, Bentley was asked to share his testimony during a women’s conference in Williams Lake, British Columbia. This conference was conducted by Patricia King, a prophetess from British Columbia. The 10-minute testimony Bentley was to give was for the purpose of encouraging mothers to be persistent in prayer for their children.
Bentley’s 10-minute testimony turned into an hour, as the assembled group experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which was accompanied with
► Words of knowledge
► A healing of cancer
► Hundreds of women falling under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Launching into Full-time Ministry
At the May 1998 women’s conference, Patricia King prophesied about Bentley, saying that “He’ll never return to secular work.” During that conference a significant offering was collected for him that enabled him to get started, and over 50 people committed to being intercessors for his family and ministry.
Following that women’s conference, invitations for ministry began to be received, with his schedule filling 6 months in advance. Through 1998 till 2000, he ministered in numerous locations throughout British Columbia and the Yukon province.
Todd Bentley, Tanzania: c. 2003 (image from Christ’s Healing Touch)
International Ministry
Bentley’s first ministry opportunity outside Canada was in March of 2000, and it took place in Durban, South Africa. Statistical results that were recorded of that ministry time were:
► Over 800 conversions
► Over 250 recommitments
► Healings and deliverance from addictions and demons
In July 2000, Bentley was in Albany, Oregon, and while ministering, the signs and wonders began to increase.
Bentley India Crusade (image from Christ’s Healing Touch)
Up to 200,000 in Attendance
In October 2000, at age 24, Bentley was back in Africa again, and from there he traveled to conduct ministry in 73 nations around the globe, conducting evangelistic and healing crusades, with audiences reaching 200,000. Bentley claims his ministry is responsible for:
► Over 2 million decisions for Christ.
► Planting 4,000 churches
► Uncountable number of healings
► Common deliverances from demons
2008 Lakeland Florida Revival
At age 32, Todd Bentley of Fresh Fire Ministries (now Revival Harvest Ministries), was invited to minister for one week at Lakeland Florida’s Ignited Church, being invited by Stephen Strader, pastor of that church. The week of planned services, being a “Signs and Wonders Conference,” began on April 2, 2008, and evolved into what has been described as “an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” which continued till October 12, 2008.
Ignited Church
Venues for the Outpouring
The meeting locations changed venues on several occasions due to the continual increase of those in attendance.
► Ignited Church—seating for 1,300
► Life Church in Auburndale, FL—seating for 3,000
► Lakeland Civic Center—seating for 8,000
► Tigers Baseball Stadium—seating for 10,000
► Air-conditioned tent set up at the Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo—seating for 10,000
► Shortly after August 11 the tent was taken down and services moved back to Ignited Church.
The tent at Sun ‘n Fun
Schedule for the Services
Every morning, from Sunday – Friday, there were services held at Ignited Church, with attendance ranging from 700-900 people. These morning services ran from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. The content of these meetings were teaching on:
► Foundational truths
► Revivals
► Healing
► There were also special opportunities for pastors and church leaders at separate locations, teaching on leadership and pastoral topics.
Inside the tent
The night service was in the air-conditioned tent at the Sun ‘n Fun, having up to 10,000 people in attendance.
► Sermons were often lengthy, some lasting up to 1-1.5 hours.
► Considerable time was given for people to share testimonies of healings or conversion experiences.
► There was hour after hour of intense worship.
► There was a strong emphasis on young people, homeless, addicts, prostitutes.
► The presence of God was tangible, with people claiming that the “hair on our arms literally stood straight up.”

Stephen R. Strader
Pastor of Ignited Church
Results of the Revival
► The Lakeland community felt the contagiousness of the Outpouring, with conversations about it being heard wherever one would go—Walmart, restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, etc.
► Thousands were trained in personal evangelism.
► Over 7,000 were taken out on the streets to conduct evangelism.
► People were saved.
► Thousands were healed.
► Scars disappeared
► Demons were cast out of people.
► Emotional issues were healed.
► Many, many ministries were started.
Bentley Leaves Lakeland
On August 11, 2008, Bentley and his team from Fresh Fire Ministries ended their involvement in the Outpouring, yet the services continued at Ignited Church till October 12, 2008.
Visitors to the Outpouring
► Less than 1% of those in attendance, in either the morning or evening services, were from the Lakeland area.
► About 50% of those in attendance lived outside the state of Florida.
► About 40% lived outside the USA.
► There were 10,000 nightly in attendance.
► By the end of May, over 140,000 people from over 40 nations were said to have visited.
► By the end of June, over 400,000 people from over 100 nations had been in attendance.
► International viewership was estimated at 40 million per night (GOD TV media network).
► Over 60 nations have received over 5 million in humanitarian aid through this ministry.
► Carpenter’s Home Church by Wikipedia
► Christ’s Healing Touch by Todd Bentley
► Journey into the Miraculous by Todd Bentley
► Lakeland: The Movie by Royzoner
► Lakeland Revival by Wikipedia
► The Reality of the Supernatural World by Todd Bentley
► Todd Bentley by Wikipedia
► Todd Bentley’s New Wife Breaks Silence by CharismaMagazine
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