
Suggestions During a Revival

Suggestions During a Revival

Avoid Spurious or Superficial Decisions for Christ

There are undoubtedly many who have been coaxed or manipulated into making a decision for Christ without them first knowing who Jesus is or why He died for them. Some think they are saved because they repeated a prayer somebody told them to repeat [sinner’s prayer]. A mere confession that Christ is God, that He is the Savior, etc., is not sufficient (demons also confess this—James 2:19).

When shallow or uninformed decisions to follow Christ are made, these people will often lose their faith in just a short period of time. It’s quite possible that this was brought on due to someone forcing them to make a rushed decision during an emotionally high experience—like in a revival. After the experience passed and they weighed the challenges involved with living for Christ, they quickly turned back on their decision.

Those leading evangelistic efforts need to be cautious so they don’t manipulate the emotions of people during a revival and obtain fragile commitments—only to boost “conversion” numbers. The preaching needs to be fearless, Christ-centered, and there needs to be a clearly articulated presentation concerning:

1. God’s love for mankind (John 3:16).

2. Human depravity (Rom. 3:23).

3. The nature of sin and how it separates man from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).

4. The holiness and justice of God (Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:16).

5. The wrath of God (Rom. 1:18).

If the wrath of God is not taught, the love of God comes across as a mere tolerance and overlooking of sin.

6. The deliverance and pardon that can be obtained through the Good News (1 Thess. 5:9; John 3:16; Eph. 2:5-10).

7. And finally, the repentant and selfless lifestyle God demands.

a. The gospel is offensive because it shows people they have sinned. Repentance is still a prerequisite to entering the kingdom of God.

i. Repent: Mat. 4:17; Mk. 6:12; Lk. 3:8; Lk. 5:32; Acts 2:38; 3:18-20.

ii. Cross Life: Lk. 9:23; Gal. 2:20; 1 Cor. 15:31; Rom. 8:4-13.

If these truths are not fearlessly and clearly articulated much fruit will come from emotional decisions and people will be lost a short time after the emotional high of the revival fades away.

Don’t Hide God’s Glory. Allow for Many Testimonials

There are many who will experience dramatic life-changes during a visitation from God, and those experiences should be testified about, so as to enhance and give glory to God for His work of grace. Though there is a desire not to control the Holy Spirit, there is a need to control some people, who will use their testimonies to glorify themselves. Testimonies should be allowed for, because when a person tells of how God has altered their life, or have received a genuine healing, people listen and God is glorified.

Below is advice about what could be allowed during a testimony, so as to make it an event where God is glorified and not the person giving the testimonial.

God Focused Testimonies: Some warn that pride, rather than brokenness, can emerge through testimonies.

“Testimonies should point to God, not to past sins, nor visions or spiritual experiences which lead to boasting. Look for genuine life transformation testimonies that glorify God.” —Jim Cymbala in Fresh Wind Fresh Fire

Maturity: rely on spiritually mature people for testimony. Many newly planted Christians could be tempted to pridefulness by sharing their testimony before they are ready (1 Tim. 3:6).

“Propriety: sins committed publicly must be confessed publicly. Private sins, especially of a sexual nature, should be confessed privately.” —Frank Damazio in Seasons of Revival

“Stigma: Public confessions…can place a stigma upon a person for the remainder of their life.” —Jessie Penn Lewis in War on the Saints

Don’t Spend an Inordinate Amount of Time Reporting the Revival

It has not been uncommon for those leading a revival to travel to other churches to give reports, hoping to spread the revival’s influence. This may cause the revival’s source to lose much needed attention, and it can also steal God’s glory by the person reporting it.

Instead of the main revival leaders visiting other churches to report on the revival, any humble-hearted person from the church hosting the revival could be sent to fulfill that task.

For the Pastor or One Leading the Revival, Enlist Intercessors to Pray With and for Them

1. Pray that they will only give the glory to God and never take it to themselves.

2. Pray that they will have discernment concerning requests to come and speak outside the church.

3. Pray that they will not be distracted by opposition but that they will be sensitive to God’s counsel in responding to opposition.

4. Pray for their family and the time they have together.

5. Pray for the unity of the believers (Jn. 17:20-23) so that God’s glory will be revealed through them and Christ to then be exalted in the eyes of the world.

6. Pray for clear discernment:

a. To distinctly discern the difference between the voice of God, lying spirits, and the flesh.

b. To distinctly discern a manifestation’s source. If they are from the Holy Spirit, Satan, or the flesh.


Content like this, with additional detail, are told during our “Only 1 Spark Revival Seminars.” Contact us to enquire about having this seminar conducted in your community.


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