First Step Toward Your Freedom

How to Know if this Ministry is for You
If you sense you have been blocked from making forward progress in your relationship with God, or you are experiencing depression, anxiety, fear, suicidal thoughts, addictions, or any other spiritual or emotional issue, there are teams ready to fight in prayer with you for your freedom.
Who is an Ideal Candidate for this Ministry?
1. Those who have declared that their desire is to give Jesus first place in their life.
2. Those who are part of and active in a ministry within a congregation.
3. Those who love the congregation they are part of and are unreservedly supportive of the leadership.
4. Those who attend their church faithfully, and they do so because they want to learn and grow spiritually, as well as be an encouragement to others.
A Bird’s Eye View of the Process
Step One: Do everything on this web page, including the worksheets.
Step Two: Talk with a Team Leader in person.
Step Three: Meet with a prayer team that will pray with you for freedom from any addiction or spiritual or emotional issue you may be facing.
Step One
Step one requires that you watch the following two short videos, which explain the three forms you will be required to complete.
1. Forgiveness Worksheet: This is highly relevant because it is foundational to the Christian faith and is the act that frees a person’s mind from continual torment. The list you make from this worksheet is to be shown to nobody. It is an exercise between you and God alone.
2. Soul Tie Worksheet: Soul ties are in reference to ungodly and harmful emotional attachments between two individuals. These soul ties fragment a person’s mind. The list you make from this worksheet is to be shown to nobody. It is an exercise between you and God alone.
3. Questionnaire: This questionnaire helps us lay out a path for prayer when we meet with you.
Forgiveness: Watch this video teaching to learn about forgiveness and why we require you to complete a Forgiveness Worksheet.
Soul Ties: Now watch this video teaching to understand how ungodly soul ties can fragment a mind and prevent us from having mental wholeness.
Step Two
After you complete the three mentioned documents, click the link below to indicate you are applying for the prayer ministry. Following that a trained Team Leader will contact you to schedule a face-to-face interview. After this interview, a prayer session will be scheduled for you.