1996 Mobile, Alabama Revival

Cecil Turner
Cecil Turner had been pastoring Calvary Assembly of God in Mobile, Alabama since 1963. It was during the church’s annual “Camp Meeting” that a revival started in September 1996. Following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the church became a center for revival, with people coming from many different denominations, filling the church building several nights per week.
Extraordinary Prayer
Calvary Assembly of God began praying for revival in 1992. There were times when doubt would creep in, causing some to wonder if revival would ever come, but as they persisted in prayer, they saw their prayers intensify, and at the same time their hunger for more of God kept building.
What Happened
It was on September 29, 1996, during the Sunday worship service, when the church’s annual “Camp Meeting” was in progress, and the invited guest speaker, Evangelist Wayne Headrick, heard God tell him that if people would get out of God’s way, He would make things happen.
Evidently the congregation got out of God’s way, and Holy Spirit began to move. By May 1997, Headrick commented that
It seems like it is accelerating. Each service there’s more… anointing and more of the power of God.
The church was holding services several nights per week, with Mondays being off. People from other churches began coming on the weeknights, drawing 250-300 people, with 400 in attendance on Sundays—the most the church could hold.
People were coming to the church but didn’t know why. Some said there was something like a beacon that led them there. Another person said that they pulled into the parking lot, but they didn’t fully know why they were there.
The services were often described as being different, in that the people didn’t know what to expect. Some services were filled with intense and exuberant praise and worship. In other services the presence of God was so heavy that all they could do was prostrate themselves on the ground in His presence.
Calvary Assembly of God
Not Personality-Driven
Evidence that this revival was not personality driven was recognized when the evangelist Wayne Headrick would be gone for weeks at a time, and the revival kept going in his absence.
Schedule for Services
► Sundays—regularly scheduled worship services
► Mondays—day off
► Tuesdays—intercessory prayer
► Wednesdays-Fridays–evening services

Cecil & Winifred Turner
Results of the Revival
► Testimonies of transformed lives.
► Many hundreds were saved.
► People were healed.
► Families were restored.
► Freedom from addictions, like alcohol, drugs, and immorality was gained.
► The community was feeling the effect of the revival.
► Glenn McCall, pastor of Crawford United Methodist Church, would frequently bring members of his church to the services. People from other area churches would also attend.
► Mobile Revival by Joel Kilpatrick
► Mobile Alabama by Renewal Journal
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