1903-1905 Great Britain Revivals (R. A. Torrey – 14 Revivals)

Beginning with Charles G. Finney in the early 1800s, mass evangelistic efforts have continually evolved and developed. A succession of prominent evangelists built on the experiences of their predecessors, often by working directly with them or being deeply influenced by their ministry:
► Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)
► Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)
► R. A. Torrey (1856-1928)
► John W. Chapman (1859-1918)
► Billy Sunday (1862–1935)
► Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Reuben A. Torrey
This account focuses on the1903-1905 Great Britain Revivals, in which R. A. Torrey played a major role.
It is important to note that intentional evangelistic efforts—often referred to as “evangelistic campaigns,” “protracted meetings,” or “missions” in the past—frequently served as the foundation for the genuine revival atmosphere that followed.
Recommended Preliminary Reading
For context on this revival account, consider reading the following:
► 1878 Garrettsville Revival
► 1902 Melbourne, Australia Revival
► 1902 Revivals in Asia-Pacific
Rueben A. Torrey played a pivotal role in the 1902 revivals across Australia, New Zealand, and India. News of these remarkable events spread globally through newspapers and Christian periodicals, inspiring a renewed wave of prayer and faith within the Church of Jesus Christ. Believers began to anticipate revivals wherever the name of Jesus was proclaimed.

Charles Alexander
Inspired by reports of the Australia and New Zealand revivals, religious leaders in Great Britain extended invitations to Torrey and his choir leader, Charles Alexander, to minister in their country.
After completing his work in Australia, New Zealand, and India, Torrey arrived in London in January 1903. To mark the beginning of the revival efforts, a “great welcome meeting” was held at Exeter Hall, drawing prominent religious and government leaders.
Exeter Hall: location of the welcoming meeting

Lord Kinnaird
Lord Kinnaird, President of the London Evangelical Council, President of the YMCA and YWCA in England, and regarded by some as the first soccer star, opened the welcoming ceremony with these words:
We have been looking forward to your presence. We have heard what you have been doing in Australia and in other parts of the world, and we pray our Heavenly Father that through you there may be such an outpouring of: the Holy Spirit as we have not seen for years.
Three Weeks in North London
Following the welcome meeting, Torrey spent three weeks in North London, teaching and inspiring church members to actively engage in personal soul-winning efforts. This initiative resulted in “large numbers of conversions.”
In each city where Torrey and Alexander ministered, they followed a consistent pattern, staying for four weeks or longer. Key features of these revivals included:
► Overwhelming crowds: Facilities were often too small, leaving thousands unable to gain access to the buildings due to inadequate seating capacity.
► Extraordinary prayer: Thousands of prayer groups blanketed the cities in prayer before each visit.
► Active evangelism: Torrey encouraged believers to evangelize outside the revival services, which they eagerly embraced.
…. • Sharing Christ on streets, in homes, and at workplaces.
…. • Bringing others to the meetings.
…. • During the services, following the sermon and after, the invitation was given to receive Christ:
……..► People stood and walked to the front to profess their faith in Christ. These individuals were seated in chairs prepared for them. Trained workers then joined them, engaging in one-on-one conversation to ensure they fully understood the Gospel message.
……..► For those still seated in the auditorium, hundreds of Christians turned to those around them, initiating conversations to inquire whether they were already saved. If not, they were encouraged to make a decision for Christ at that moment.
Belfast, Ireland, meeting at St. George’s Market
Two-Month Visit to the USA
In July and August 1903, Torrey and Alexander returned to the USA to report on the revivals and speak at conventions, further inspiring believers with stories of revival from Australia and Great Britain.
Locations of Ministry in Great Britain
Scotland: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee,
Ireland: Dublin, Belfast
England: Birkenhead, Liverpool, Brighton, Manchester, Bolton, Birmingham, London
Wales: Cardiff
Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool
Return to Great Britain
In September 1903, Torrey and Alexander resumed their ministry in Great Britain, with four weeks in the city of Liverpool, which resulted in 5,000 converts.
The crowds were so large at the Philharmonic Hall that they had two meetings every day, the first one for women, and the second for men. Even with double services, there were still thousands pressing on the doors, hoping to gain entrance.
Hymns of the Revivals
During this era, music was experienced live, fostering a unique cultural appreciation for it. Revival hymns became widely popular and were sung in the streets, on railroad cars, in homes, factories, mines, shops, and every place of business.
On the main thoroughfares, hawkers sold pirated editions of the “Glory Song,” which could be played on phonographs. Street bands frequently played these songs as well.
Popular hymns included:
► Glory Song
► Tell Mother I’ll Be There
► O, It Is Wonderful!
► Never Lose Sight of Jesus
At the conclusion of each meeting, people were reluctant to leave. It was then that Charles Alexander would lead a half-hour song service to satisfy people’s longing to sing and hear these famous songs.
One of Charles Alexander’s choirs
This one was composed of 1,250 voices.
Choir Size
The choirs that Alexander led were often well over 1,000 voices. In Liverpool, however, the largest choir assembled reached 3,658 voices.
Revival in Bolton
On September 6, 1904, Torrey began a 30-day revival campaign in Bolton. As in other cities, success was not exclusively dependent on the preaching of the Gospel by Torrey. Hundreds of believers were actively engaged in prayer and personal evangelism. Here is how they would compel people to come to the services:
As they went through the slums, one by one the workers caught hold of drunkards and outcasts and often literally compelled them to follow the procession to the Drill Hall meeting.
Children Evangelists
Another feature of the movement was that thousands of children were not only converted but were filled with zeal to win others to Jesus. On three separate occasions one little girl walked seven miles to attend meetings, and each time she brought a friend with her. A ten- and a twelve-year-old boy personally led forty-three to Christ.
Cardiff, Wales, Bicycle Brigade: used for advertisement
throughout the countryside during the revival
Torrey and the Welsh Revival
During the month of October 1904, Torrey and Alexander began thirty days of ministry in the Welsh city of Cardiff. This area became the epicenter of the renowned 1904-1905 Welsh Revival, which broke out—immediately following Torrey’s visit.
Thousands Turned Away from Meetings at Cardiff
Lacking venues large enough to accommodate the crowds, a new structure was built specifically for the meetings, with a capacity of 7,000 people. Despite its size, the building was filled to capacity every night, leaving thousands unable to gain entry.
Welsh Ministers’ Convention
Toward the end of Torrey’s ministry in Cardiff, a ministerial convention was held, bringing together nearly 400 ministers from South Wales. During the convention, Torrey emphasized the critical importance of personal responsibility in evangelism.
This meeting ignited a renewed zeal for soul-winning among the ministers, which they carried back to their churches, producing profound and lasting results.
450 people who chartered a train from Bristol to Cardiff
to participate in services
Out-of-Town Visitors
During Torrey’s time in Cardiff, 450 people chartered a train from Bristol, England, to attend the meetings. These out-of-town visitors significantly contributed to the prevailing revival atmosphere, elevating people’s faith to an extraordinarily high level.
Welsh Revival of 1904-1905
It is widely acknowledged that Torrey and Alexander’s ministry in Cardiff played a pivotal role in igniting the passion and zeal of believers across Wales. After Torrey’s departure from South Wales, the revival continued to grow in intensity. With a solid foundation for revival firmly established, the 1904-1905 Welsh Revival flourished, resulting in 100,000 conversions within just six months.
in Bingley Hall, Birmingham, England
A remarkable aspect of this worldwide tour was the distribution of millions of small white cards bearing just four words: “Get Right With God”. This practice began in the revival in Australia and continued at every ministry location. Books could be filled with the testimonies of people from all walks of life who were convicted of their sins and turned to God because of the message on those cards.
The impact of these cards was so profound that a large banner with the words “Get Right With God” was printed and hung as a backdrop on the platforms where they preached.
Second Ministry Visit to London
Torrey’s second visit to London lasted five months and took place at three locations across the city. The first two months’ meetings were held at the 11,000-seat Royal Albert Hall. Despite the large venue, up to 10,000 people were turned away each night due to overcrowding.
South London Tabernacle Sign Reads: “Torrey Alexander Mission”
This was a temporary tabernacle that was built in South London, with seating for 5,500. Other similar structures were built in different cities.
Sign Reads: “Torrey Alexander Mission”
This was a temporary tabernacle that was built in the heart of London,
on the Strand, with seating for 5,500.
International Visitors
The revival tour of Torrey and Alexander gained worldwide recognition, attracting attendees from numerous nations eager to experience the meetings.
Results of the Revival
In June 1905, Torrey and Alexander concluded their ministry in Great Britain and began conducting revival services across the United States. The impact of their ministry in Great Britain was remarkable. As George Davis notes:
During their three-years’ campaign, nearly 75,000 people were led to make a confession of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour, Lord, and King. [An additional 20,000 were saved in Australia.]
Primary Sources
► Ocean and Isle by William Edgar Geil
► Torrey and Alexander, The Story of a World-Wide Revival by George T. B. Davis
► Torrey and Alexander: The Story of their Lives by J. Kennedy MacLean
► Twice Around the World with Alexander by George T. B. Davis
Secondary Sources
► 50 People Every Christian Should Know by Warren Wiersbe
► A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Reuben Archer Torrey by Bernard R. DeRemer
► How to Bring Them to Christ by R. A. Torrey
► R. A. Torrey by Wikipedia
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