1992 Argentine Revival
Preliminary Reading
To understand the political, cultural, and social backdrop to this revival, we encourage the reading of three separate Argentine revivals:
► 1949 Argentine Revival
► 1954 Argentine Revival
► 1984 Argentine Revival
By 1982, Argentine evangelist Carlos Annacondia (who was the lead figure in the 1984 Argentine Revival) had already assembled a team for conducting evangelistic campaigns. Virtually every church began to grow following this man’s ministry.
A 24-year-old minister, Claudio Freidzon, in 1978, started a church in (Parque Chas) Buenos Aires. At the time the country was strongly opposed to the Gospel. By 1979, Freidzon acknowledged that it was very hard to win anyone to Christ and he was getting very discouraged.
Having witnessed Carlos Annacondia’s ministry, and seeing thousands of people saved and the demon possessed delivered through those mass events, Freidzon was determined to meet with him.
When the opportunity came, Annacondia encouraged Freidzon to stay faithful and push through the dry season. Even though Freidzon’s congregation remained at 7 people for 7 years, he remained faithful. As he spent time being discipled by Annacondia every Thursday, along with another group of pastors, changes slowly began to occur in Freidzon, from the inside out. He personally was filled with hope, and his small church began experiencing the moving of the Holy Spirit.
Plaza Noruega, location of Belgrano Evangelistic Campaign
Belgrano Evangelistic Campaign
In 1985, upon waking from his sleep, Freidzon had a vision in which God showed him a public square in the district of Belgrano in Buenos Aires. The vision looked similar to the ministry events that were conducted by Carlos Annacondia. At that time, Freidzon heard God speak to him, saying:
This is your new field of work.
Receiving this guidance from God, he planned to conduct an evangelistic event in the Belgrano District of Buenos Aires (Plaza Noruega), beginning on February 7, 1986.
This was a crime-ridden area, in which the police and government authorities thought it wasn’t a good idea for them to attempt such a thing.
On the first night of the event, though initially feeling inadequate and hesitant, everything changed for Freidzon when he stepped onto the stage, as a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit came upon him.
This was something he had not known before. People were drawn to his words, and as they were walking down the street past the open-air event, they would stop to watch—God was arresting and drawing them to what he was saying.
Locations of Initial Mass Evangelism Events
Miracles Occurred
► During the 20-day evangelistic event in Belgrano, 1,000 were converted
► The conviction of sin was overwhelming, drawing people to Christ for freedom.
► Drug addicts were there every night getting saved, and left free from their addictions.
► A famous gang leader in the area, “The Frenchman” (Sergio Marquet), was also converted to Christ.
► People were slain in the Spirit, and arose healed from various sicknesses.
► Some had teeth filled, with a skeptical dentist on hand who testified that it did indeed happen.
► Flat feet were healed.
► Overwhelming peace displaced years of mental torment.
► Dozens experienced freedom from demonic oppression.
► Weeping would overwhelm many, often lasting for hours.
► The joy experienced was unable to be expressed.
► Personal repentance, and an emphasis on personal holiness, were strongly stressed.
► Pastors reported that they began to spend more time in prayer and a new joy came into their ministries after attending this event.
This ministry in the Belgrano district of Buenos Aires led to the start of a new church in the area, King of Kings Church (Rey de Reyes). The church grew to 2,000 by 1992, and by 1996 it increased to 4,000.
Claudio Freidzon (left) at Miracle Crusade on December 10, 1992
Additional Anointing
Even after seeing such a powerful move of God, Freidzon felt something was still missing. He said it was as if God poured a salt shaker on his tongue, creating an “intense spiritual thirst.”
Crowds were coming to the King of Kings Church to “drink from the Holy Spirit.” These were people from throughout Argentina, as well as other countries. They were all hungry for more of God.
In 1992, with Freidzon’s thirst still not being quenched, he came across Benny Hinn’s book, Good Morning, Holy Spirit, and after reading it he made a trip to Orlando, Florida, to look for an opportunity to meet with Hinn.
It was during a Sunday night service in 1992, at the Orlando Christian Center, the church where Benny Hinn was the pastor, that Freidzon met with Hinn. Though Hinn did not know Freidzon, he invited him to the platform where he prayed for him.
Following this prayer Freidzon experienced an increased anointing on his life and his church grew even more, and the results of his ministry exploded exponentially, with the filling of stadiums and many thousands of people being saved and having overwhelming encounters with God.
Carlos Annacondia & Claudio Freidzon ministering together at a mass evangelistic event
The January 1994 issue of Charisma carried an article on Claudio Freidzon, which reported:
One recent evening in Argentina, 65,000 people filled the seats, aisles and most of the playing field at Velez Sarsfield stadium in Buenos Aires. For hours they sang, clapped and worshiped God. Thousands then streamed to the platform where a handsome evangelist named Claudio Freidzon waved his arms over those gathered near the stage. “Receive the anointing!” Freidzon shouted. In an instant, as if on cue, hundreds of people fell backward. Some laughed, others cried, some lay motionless on the ground. These people fainted, says Freidzon, because they were ‘overcome by the presence of God.’…
What happened at Velez Sarsfield that night has been repeated on numerous occasions since the 38-year-old Freidzon launched his crusade ministry in 1992. An Assemblies of God pastor and former theology professor, Freidzon says he is consumed with seeing churches in his country filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. …as many as 1,000 people have been converted in one evening in Freidzon’s meetings….
Claudio Freidzon (left) preaching at Brownsville Assembly of God during the 1995 Brownsville Revival
Revival Fires Spread
As revival fires spread following Carlos Annacondia’s ministry, the same began to occur with the ministry of Claudio Freidzon. Many hundreds of ministers flooded into Argentina to catch the fire, and upon returning to their respective churches, the revival fire accompanied them.
Results of the Revival
► As Freidzon’s ministry was sparked by the ministries of Carlos Annacondia and Benny Hinn, Claudio Freidzon’s ministry directly impacted and ignited many other ministries around the globe. Some of the more prominent revivals Freidzon impacted were the 1994 Toronto Blessing and the 1995 Brownsville Revival.
► Reconciliation occurred between ministers.
► Reconciliation occurred between husbands and wives.
► Reconciliation occurred between parents and children.
► While watching videos of his services the power of God would come and overwhelm people.
► Pastors who had hands laid on them by Freidzon began to experience more effectiveness in evangelism and healing miracles.
► By 1996, more than 4,000 pastors had visited King of Kings Church.
► Other pastors who had been to King of Kings Church, upon returning to their own churches, began to experience the same manifestations among their people.
► Pastors and others with deep depression were totally set free.
► Pastors who were told by their doctors that, due to their exhaustion, they needed to resign and leave the ministry, received fresh energy and vision.
► Pastors with churches not able to grow above 70 members began to see attendance reach 400-500.
► The superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Argentina said that his church grew from 400 to 800 in only six months. He reported that his children had entered a Bible Institute and began seeking God like never before.
► Gifts of the Holy Spirit started to become prominent in the lives of pastors who previously were not experiencing those manifestations.
► Stadiums were filled with up to 50,000 people thirsty for God. This required two meetings to accommodate the crowd that came, and still some had to be turned away.
► Claudio Freidzon began traveling to many different countries, and his church in Buenos Aires grew to over 20,000 in attendance.
Manifestations of God’s Presence
► As people left their cars and walked toward the church, the presence of God was so strong that their legs felt wobbly.
► Many were slain in the Spirit, with accompanying “drunkenness.”
► Overwhelming joy flooded people.
► Some reported inability to sleep because the presence of God experienced in the church services accompanied people as they returned to their homes.
► Teeth were filled.
► Infertility was healed.
► Conviction of sin was experienced.
► Blowing of wind was felt, in an enclosed room.
► Sick were healed.
► Thousands were being saved.
King of Kings Church (Rey de Reyes)

Claudio Freidzon
King of Kings Church Today
The King of Kings Church (Rey de Reyes) currently has three services on Saturdays, and four on Sundays. Attendance has been stated as being between 20,000 – 25,000.
The church’s physical location is Ciudad de la Paz 2330, Caba, Argentina.
Website: https://reydereyes.com.ar/pt/
► 1949 Argentina Revival by Chet Swearingen
► 1954 Argentina Revival by Chet Swearingen
► 1984 Argentina Revival by Chet Swearingen
► A History of the Awakening 1992-1995 by Richard M. Riss
► A Survey of 20th-Century Revival Movements in North America by Richard Riss
► Claudio Freidzon by Wikipedia
► Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn
► Holy Spirit I Am Hungry for You by Claudio Freidzon
► The Revival in Argentina by Wikipedia
► Welcome, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn
► Claudius Freidzon Miracle Crusade by Ivan stin
► Brownsville Revival with Claudio Freidzon by Diana Millasovich
Return to List of Revival Stories
Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
(260) 920-8248
Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706