1905 American Revival
The contagious and infectious nature of revivals can be seen in the way the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 spread throughout the world. The United States was greatly affected by the Welsh Revival, and it led to the 1905 American Revival.
This American Revival is little known, having been overshadowed by other revivals which had a face or personality attached them. In the 1905 American Revival there was no prominent individual that stood out. That is the likely reason why this revival is so little known.
Evangelistic Campaigns Leading Up to the Revival

Muncie, Indiana
Union Station
In the winter of 1900, the Methodists in the United States were reporting amazing conversion growth in evangelistic campaigns throughout the country. One example was in Muncie, Indiana, where 2,162 conversions took place during evangelistic efforts, and the work was spreading.
Due to the evangelistic successes that were taking place, the Presbyterians had 56 evangelists traveling throughout the United States in 1902. In 1903 there were 1,200 Presbyterian pastors who were united in a network specifically praying for revival.
Prophecies of the Near Revival
All denominations were anticipating an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Presbyterians said:
all the land seems to be on the lookout for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
And the Methodists:
The evidences of the coming of a general religious revival, which shall move the whole country from border to border, are accumulating.
News of the 1904-1905 Welsh Revival Arrived in the USA

Manhattan Presbyterian Church in 1905
When the news of the Welsh Revival filtered into the United States the anticipation level for revival rose even more.
1. Prayer meetings for revival were multiplied.
2. Special meetings to prepare congregations and communities for the revival were held by the thousands. They were referred to as “Revival Consecration Meetings.”
3. Prayer among youth groups also multiplied.
4. Cities like New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago united for revival prayer meetings.
5. Cities and towns throughout the United States and Canada held conferences on revival.
December 1904 – First reports of revival breaking out took place in Wilkes-Barre, PA.
What Happened
►Welsh immigrants seem to be the first among whom the American Revival started. Thousands of Welsh immigrants in Pennsylvania, specifically in the town of Wilkes-Barre, PA, began experiencing revival in December of 1904, one month after the Welsh revival started.
►New Castle, PA, reported a remarkable awakening, and Pittsburgh and other cities throughout the state began reporting awakenings as well.
►Town after town, city after city, the tide of interest flooded the churches, reviving members and converting outsiders.
►By March 1905, reports of the awakening in Pennsylvania had flooded the country.
►By early spring 1905, 10,000 converts were reported among the Methodists in Philadelphia, PA.
►New Jersey youth groups were reporting a 10%-300% increase of membership.
►The revival in Atlantic City, NJ, brought the account that not more than 50 unconverted people could be found in the city, which had a population at that time of 60,000.
►Newark, NJ, reported that:
Pentecost was literally repeated, with large churches overflowing and huge processions passing through the streets.

Evan Roberts in 1905.
He was the most prominent
evangelist during the
Welsh Revival of 1904-1905.
►In 1904, after the news of the 1904 Welsh Revival reached them, congregations in Schenectady, NY, united and began to pray. By January 22, 1905, the congregations in that town were packed for months on end, and the revival spread throughout the state of New York and all the New England states.
►In the fall of 1904, unprecedented prayer took place in Atlanta, GA, as businesses, courts, offices, factories, and even bars closed for people to attend the noon prayer meetings.
►Throughout the Deep South and Midwest states and over to California the revival continued to spread with an amazing harvest everywhere as united revival prayer gatherings were conducted.
►In March of 1905, a report from Louisville, KY, was:
The whole city is breathing a spiritual atmosphere… Everywhere in shop and store, in the mill and on the street, salvation is the one topic of conversation.
►In state after state, and city after city, reports of the ongoing Welsh Revival were shared, and it continued to flame a passion for the same throughout the United States.
►The contagiousness of the revival was illustrated following the awakening that took place in St. Louis. It spread throughout the state of Missouri, with strange phenomena being reported.
Everything reported as ‘peculiar’ in the Wales revival is found in the Lead Belt. Great throngs attend the services, and conversations take place at almost every meeting. I never heard such amazing prayer of such expression of conviction of sin.
Above Picture: Easter Parade in New York City
►Los Angeles, CA, witnessed 100 churches unite for an evangelistic campaign. There were over 180,000 who attended, and the result was 4,264 people professing conversion.
►In Portland, OR, close to 200 major stores signed an agreement to close between the hours of 11 and 2 to permit their customers and employees to attend prayer meetings. A similar movement took place in Seattle, and there was a general awakening that followed throughout the Pacific Northwest. Canada was affected at the same time.
►A Methodist editor in an official journal stated:
A great revival is sweeping the United States. Its power is felt in every nook and corner of our broad land. The Holy Spirit is convincing the people ‘of sin, of righteousness and of a judgment to come.’ There is manifested a new degree of spiritual power in the churches. Pastors are crying out to God for help, and not a few of them are gratified to find that help right at hand. The regular prayer-meetings and public services seem to be supercharged with convicting power, so that cries of penitence and prayers for mercy have been heard in places unused to such demonstrations.
Results of the 1905 American Revival

Beach in 1905
►At the end of 1905, the estimated growth in denominations was:
Disciples 15,000
►At the end of 1906 the reports of new memberships were:
►Sunday Schools were revitalized
►Revivals were experienced at many universities and colleges
►By mid-1905, 5,495 college campus ministries were started
►Many young people were being called to a life of missionary service
►The Pentecostal denominations began on the heels of this revival, affecting millions around the globe.
The Flaming Tongue by J. Edwin Orr
The American Revival of 1905 by John Piper
A Brief History of Spiritual Revival and Awakening in America by Patrick Morley
The Rebirth of America by Arthur S. DeMoss
Return to List of Revival Stories
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