
What We Do in the USA

Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
Missionaries & Revivalists

Serving Churches

Beautiful Feet has a singular mission, and that is to “revive believers and churches.” Our goal is to see churches alive with God’s presence and disciples multiplying disciples.

To accomplish our mission we work with churches in several ways:

County-Wide Revival Prayer
Gathering: Calhoun County, Michigan

Organize City-Wide, County-Wide, and Tri-State Revival Prayer Gatherings

These prayer gatherings have been termed “Solemn Assemblies,” as well as “Revival Prayer Gatherings.” Their purpose is to pursue God in prayer for revival.

Only 1 Spark Revival Seminar
Lapeer, Michigan

Preparing for the Harvest Seminar
Paulding County, Ohio

Training for the Development of Community Deliverance Ministries

Our Deliverance Seminar helps communities in their ministry to those who are emotionally or spiritually blocked from moving forward in their relationship with Jesus.

Evangelistic Event: Paulding County, Ohio

Conduct County, or Community-wide Services that are Expected to Lead into a Revival

Once prayer unifies churches in a community, we work together with them in planning a series of services. The purpose of these services is to awaken believers to their potential in Christ and to inspire them in fulfilling their unique callings – Revival!


Contact Beautiful Feet to schedule these seminars or events in your community.

Email: romans1015@outlook.com

Phone: (260) 920-8248

Deliverance Seminar Fort Wayne, IN

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