
Revival Principle #9: Revivals Fade Away

Every genuine revival has come to an end. Some writers indicate that it is God’s will for them to end, and that revivals are only intended to be like seasons – coming in and going out. Other writers have described revivals like waves – one wave comes in, then it goes back out.

I understand what these writers are saying, in that every revival has only lasted a few weeks, months, and at the very most, a few years. But, is it God’s will for revivals to end?

Is it God’s Will for Revivals to End?
If an individual or congregation isn’t living in a revived state, then they are lukewarm, complacent, apathetic, lethargic – asleep. Nobody would agree that that is God’s will for His people. So it is a misstatement to say that God wills for revivals to come to an end.

If God’s will is for a revival to be perpetual, and that His people and His Church are to continually live in a revived state, what must be done to ensure a revival never fades or dies?

What Kills Revivals
►Lack of unity among leaders. Satan will do all he can to divide the leaders in a congregation – especially during times of revival. “Smite the shepherd and…” If there is divisiveness among leaders, the congregation will lose God’s blessing and favor (Psalms 133).

►Pride. For a pastor and congregation hosting a revival, they can be sure Satan will do all he can to destroy them. Satan will tempt them to think that they were chosen to receive this revival blessing because of some inherent goodness of their own.

►Lack of obedience. The tendency is to remain within the walls of the church building during a revival. The revival came for a purpose, and it was to renew power for effective proclamation of the good news, and that takes place outside the building. If the Great Commission isn’t obeyed, there is no reason for an individual or congregation to continually receive showers of blessings.

►Neglect of revival principles. The efforts used to obtain God’s revival blessing is what must be used to maintain it; and they are:
1) humble yourself
2) pray
3) seek His face
4) turn from your wicked ways (2 Chron. 7:14).

►Failure to mature. During revivals many Christians want to “bask in the glory” and are unwilling to discipline themselves into maturity and in their unique callings (be involved in Christian service).

►Holy Spirit not given control. Often during revivals things take place that are “undignified,” and leaders that want to maintain their reputation in the community, and among their peers, will place controls on the Holy Spirit. There will also be denominational leaders that will step in to bring in their version of what “order” is to look like, regardless of what the Holy Spirit wants to do.

Satanic attacks. These come in many forms:

  • Lies and rumors that will cause people to reject the revival as being from God.
  • Defamation of the pastor or other key leaders.
  • Distractions in families or on jobs.
  • Critics that wear down and distract the ones leading the revival.
  • Extreme emotions being manifested in services, without the leaders guiding the proper release of them.
  • Counterfeit manifestations and miracles that will discredit the true ones.

God is undoubtedly present in overwhelming power during revivals, with sounds of “rushing mighty winds,” prostrations, severe conviction of sin accompanied by weeping and trembling, with visions and trances, healings, mysterious drawing of individuals to meetings, etc. This type of phenomena have always accompanied revivals as God displayed His power. Every denomination that has experienced a genuine revival have witnessed these sorts of things. But a preoccupation with them have at times perverted the revival and turned people’s eyes off Jesus and onto the phenomena.

Return to the Principles of Revivals List

Chet & Phyllis Swearingen:
Office: (260) 920-8248


Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706

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