Intercessory Prayer

Headstone of
Rev. Daniel Nash
Revivals have always begun with united and extraordinary prayer. Occasionally there will be those who will excel in this ministry of prayer, like Daniel Nash and Abel Clary. These two men, along with other men and women, interceded for the success of Charles Finney’s evangelistic [revival] efforts during the Upstate New York Revivals.
Daniel Nash and Abel Clary prayed in a way that makes some uncomfortable. Here are typical things that were unique about their prayers:
►They would arrive at a town three to four weeks prior to the arrival of the evangelist Charles Finney.

Evangelist Charles Finney
►They would rent a room.
►They would get several people in the town to join with them in prayer.
►They would stay in their room, sometimes as long as 3 days, without leaving for food.
►They were often found facedown in prayer.
►Their prayers were said to be
• Tear-filled
• Fervent
• Loud (at the top of their voice)
• Writhing and groaning in agony
►Charles Finney described this as “a spirit of travail.”
It was this level of prayer that was said to have led to the salvation of hundreds of thousands of souls in New York State.
1939 Hebrides Revival – Women Intercessors
During the Hebrides Revival of 1939, some women confessed that they never went to the revival services, just like Nash and Clary during revivals of Upstate New York. These women remained in prayer, and according to the women’s testimony
We did not have time to be in the marvelous meetings. The breath of the Spirit would come, and it was like women in childbirth. We would fill up and up with the breath of God, and we would be in agony, and suddenly a soul would be born into the kingdom, and there would be relief as the new soul was born. Then the weight would come again, and we would fill up again and again and others would be born. And so it went on again and again.
1949 Hebrides Revival – Elderly Intercessors

Peggy & Christina Smith
with Evangelist Duncan Campbell
Two sisters were powerfully used during this revival. They were Peggy & Christina Smith, 84 and 82 years old. Peggy was blind, and both were crippled with arthritis. Some unique things about these intercessors:
• They never went to the church services.
• They remained in prayer continually.
• They confessed to having visions which gave direction and warnings to certain aspects of the revival.
- Fire from Heaven by Robert Evans
- Charles G. Finney An Autobiography by Charles G. Finney
- Revival in the Hebrides by Duncan Campbell
- Praying for Revival at Beautiful Feet Website
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