
Beautiful Feet Newsletter: October 2024

..    .  . Tri-State

Uniting Indiana, Michigan,
and Ohio for Revival
.. …….________________________
Feet Overseas
Working Among
>Some of the World’s Most
       Neglected People


632 Accounts of Revival
In August and September, we compiled four revival accounts. The accounts of these revivals can be read on our website using the following links:

1897 Gilkes Street Revival: This revival occurred in Middlesbrough, England, among the Primitive Methodists and lasted over four years.
1905-1906 Queensland Kanaka Revival: This Australian revival took place among the blackbirded/indentured servants (known as “Kanakas”) from the Solomon Islands, who were under a multi-year contract to work on sugar plantations.
1936 Solomon Islands Revival: Thirty years after churches were established on the Solomon Islands, they grew cold and lethargic, often intermingling animistic occult practices with Christianity. This revival worked toward rooting out those occult practices.
1970 Solomon Islands Revival: After several decades of decline and hopelessness, the Solomon Islands experienced another revival. This revival was marked by severe conviction of sin. After confession and repentance, overpowering joy followed.

Florence Young: Founder of the Queensland Kanaka Mission
1905-1906 Kanaka Revival: Laborers in Australia
1970 Solomon Islands Revival: Water baptism

Only 1 Spark Revival Seminar
Freedom Christian Fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida, will host our Only 1 Spark Revival Seminar on Saturday, October 26. We will also minister the following day during their morning church service.

Schedule This Seminar at Your Church
If your church is interested in hosting this six-hour seminar, please contact us and we can arrange it for our schedule.

“It’s more than a seminar, it’s an encounter with God!”

Seminar Information
► The seminar is typically 6 hours long but can be modified based on the host church’s schedule.
► We do not charge participants a registration fee. The host church, however, may set a registration fee to cover their expenses.
► We provide seminar workbooks at no cost to participants.
► We kindly request that the host church cover our travel and lodging expenses.

Deliverance Training Scheduled
At 7:00 P.M. on November 13 and 20, we will conduct deliverance training at the First Assembly of God in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There is no cost for this training, but registration is required and can be completed by sending us an email, letting us know how many will be in your group. <romans1015@outlook.com>

November 13 Training
On this evening, we will cover Advanced Deliverance topics, including:
1. Inner Healing. During this segment, we will discuss the difference between New Age inner healing and the healing that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Inner healing involves the Holy Spirit releasing an individual from the lies tied to traumatic memories.
2. Alter Personalities. This training will help to prepare ministers to recognize alter personalities and distinguish them from demons. Many new to deliverance ministry mistakenly assume alter personalities are demons. As a result, they may address these personalities as demons, worsening an already troubled mind. We will provide simple yet crucial information to prevent this.
3. Demonic Manifestations. Demons are the least significant part of the deliverance process—at least they should be. If all the preliminary work is done thoroughly, demons have little to cling to and can be easily expelled. Often, they will leave without requiring action from the deliverance team.

November 20 Training
This evening will feature an open Q&A session, where we will answer questions from participants. We encourage participants to prepare their questions in advance and, if possible, submit them to us via email. This will allow us to provide more thorough and thoughtful responses to their inquiries.

Comparing Congregational Revival with the
Ministry of Deliverance
There are striking similarities between revival for a congregation and personal deliverance and freedom for individuals. Out of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3, five were in various levels of spiritual bondage. Jesus specifically spoke to them through John’s letter, informing them of what they needed to do to experience revival and restore a proper relationship with Him. What Jesus was calling them to do wasn’t extraordinary. It wasn’t something beyond their ability. They simply had to confess their sin, turn from it, and embrace a godly lifestyle. That, in itself, is revival!

A true revival means nothing less than a revolution, casting out the spirit of worldliness and selfishness, and making God and His love triumph in the heart and life. – Andrew Murray

Similarly, individuals who have allowed sinful behaviors of the past to keep them in bondage must also learn what Jesus would say to them about those behaviors. Like a congregation, once they renounce the sin, turn from it, and embrace the promises and provisions available through what Jesus accomplished on the cross, they too can experience personal revival.

Since 2019, we have intentionally ministered to hundreds of people diagnosed with various types of spiritual bondages. Many of these individuals have been labeled with severe and incurable mental illnesses. We have witnessed them experience healing and personal revival and begin to enjoy life the way God intended.

Just as personal revival is possible for the individual, corporate revival is possible for a congregation. Like the churches of Revelation 2-3, a congregation must identify what is preventing them from experiencing revival, confess that sin, and turn from it. When they do, genuine and true revival will occur.

Don’t make revival into the mystical experience that so many have portrayed it to be.

As long as we are content to live without revival, we will. – Leonard Ravenhill.

Praises & Prayer Requests 

Revision of Our Seminar Workbook
Thank you for your prayers regarding the rewriting of our Only 1 Spark Revival Seminar workbook. It is now completed and will be used at the seminar we are conducting this month. Please pray for more churches to take advantage of this seminar.

Deliverance Training
Please pray for our deliverance training sessions happening at other churches during the month of November. We have already trained hundreds and aim to continue increasing that number.

Indonesia Ministry
Please give thanks to God for the unity among the leaders of our ministry partners in Indonesia. Pray for God’s guidance and blessing upon them, granting wisdom to navigate their work while avoiding unnecessary persecution from the dominant Islamic culture.

Our Feet Overseas 

Working Among Some of the World’s
Most Unreached People

Some of the many Indonesian church planters at a previous
three-day fasting and training event

Three-Day Prayer and Fasting
In mid-November, our ministry partners in Indonesia will once again conduct their semi-annual three days of prayer and fasting. During this time they will review their progress from the previous six months, assess areas of weakness, and identify unmet goals. They will then strategize on building their strengths and discuss how to overcome obstacles that prevented them from reaching their goals.

This is a fascinating event, as the Holy Spirit provides guidance and direction on this ministry’s progress. Please pray for God to begin speaking deeply to the main leaders and the evangelists on the front lines, that they may unite as they take their next steps.

School Progressing
On September 27, our Indonesian ministry partners reached a major milestone in the construction of the new Junior High School—the pouring of the second floor! Thank you to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to this new school. It is destined to become a standout school in the region!

Thank You to All Supporters of This Ministry!
To be part of this ministry, as a regular donor or to give a one-time gift, click this link: https://romans1015.com/donate/

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