
Consideration #2: Wicked Distractions

Could distractions be the second most powerful barrier to revival?

Consider how the allurements of the world arrest attention. Even activities that are not considered sinful—don’t they have tremendous power in diverting one’s focus away from that which should be given prioritized attention?

Focus on the Presence of God
Consider this often-used blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.         Numbers 6:24-26

From these verses, isn’t it clear that when God’s face is shining on a person, and when God turns his face towards someone, that that is when they will receive His blessings? When we see the phrase seek the face of God used in the Bible, it refers to seeking His presence, being close to Him, and being intimately acquainted with Him.

We are to seek the face of God more than we do anything else. We accomplish this intimacy with God through spending time with Him: reading and studying His Word, worshiping Him, and praying. It is then that we will be able to experience His presence and favor.

Consider 2 Chronicles 7:14, and this verse’s admonition to seek the face of God.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Wherever God’s face is directed, that is where His blessings, goodness, mercy, and peace can be found. When a person becomes distracted, and they are no longer looking directly into the face of God, that is when the power of sin can get a foothold.

Wicked Ways
In addition to 2 Chronicles 7:14’s mention of seek My face, we also read of wicked ways. Some followers of Jesus may feel they are not involved with anything wicked, but they will acknowledge that the distractions of this world by things not typically considered sinful—like entertainment, recreation, sports, hobbies, family activities, etc.—distract them from maintaining a concerted focus on God’s presence, and by doing so lose out on His protection, blessings, and favor.

Isn’t it true that innocent activities can captivate and consume a person’s time and keep them from being in God’s presence? Isn’t it also true that those innocent activities begin to form a barrier, or a fog, blocking the awareness of God? Isn’t it also true that when these innocent activities are given priority over our love of and pursuit of God, that they at that time stop being innocent and become wicked?

Pledge of Allegiance
Isn’t there clear evidence that the body of Christ has become overwhelmingly distracted? Isn’t there more of a focus on politics than there is on the health of the local church? Hasn’t it become obvious that the focus of a large number of Christians has been toward government, or governmental leaders, expecting them to correct spiritual or moral decline, as well as provide their own personal blessing and security? Doesn’t this preoccupation with government, which is a temporary kingdom, show that there is less concern for the eternal Kingdom of God?

It’s true that some Christians will march in protests, raise banners, and flood Facebook with their objections to decisions made by politicians, but are those same Christians ever distressed or concerned over their congregation’s ineffectiveness in making genuine followers of Jesus? Does this prove to us that God’s people are distracted with lesser priorities?

Prioritized Focus
Can it be agreed that revival will only come, and remain, when God’s people
► Reestablish a proper focus,
► Keep up their guard, and
► Prevent wicked distractions from blocking them from pursuing an intimate relationship with God, both in private and in corporate settings?

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