.. . . Tri-State
>Some of the World’s Most
2,512 Accounts of Revival
As of the end of January, our total number of revival accounts has reached 2,512. This number was revised after a recount was made, which included hundreds of offshoot revivals. These revival accounts can be read on our website using this link. Our recently completed accounts include:
► 1878 Garrettsville, Ohio Revival (4 Revivals)
► 1902 Melbourne, Australia Revival
► 1902 Revivals in Asia-Pacific (15 Revivals)
► 1903-1905 Great Britain Revivals (14 Revivals)
► 1951 Lancaster Revival (11 revivals)
1903-1905 Great Britain Revivals
Myth: Revivals Are Spontaneous
The first five revivals listed above were revivals that required effort on the part of many hundreds of people to bring about the reviving that was experienced. This effort led to revivals spreading throughout the world, with millions of souls being saved. Keep in mind that if you desire revival for yourself, your family, your church, your community, and your nation—it won’t happen by merely waiting for it. Action is required for it to come about.
Upcoming Deliverance Seminar
Back by VERY Popular Demand: On Sunday, March 30, from 5-8 P.M., we will conduct deliverance training at New Hope Christian Center in Waterloo, IN. Anyone is welcome to attend, regardless of past training or experience.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. To register, please send us an email giving us your name, as well as the names of those who will accompany you: <romans1015@outlook.com>
Report on Recent Deliverance Seminar
On Sunday, January 19, we conducted 3 hours of deliverance training at New Hope Christian Center in Waterloo, IN, with over 40 attendees representing over 8 churches. Attendees were highly engaged, presenting interactive questions.
Some of the churches represented at Deliverance Seminar on January 19 (clockwise – from top left):
- New Hope Christian Center: Waterloo, IN
- River of Life: Middlebury, IN
- United Brethren: Corunna, IN
- Wayne School of Supernatural Ministry
- Heartland Church: Ft. Wayne, IN
- The Rock: Leo, IN
- First Assembly of God: Ft. Wayne, IN
- House of Refuge: Hillsdale, MI
Deliverance Training at Your Church
We can hold this training at your church, and we are very flexible as to what is taught, the length of each teaching session, and the number of days we teach.
Here are examples of training we have conducted:
► Full Seminar: 6 hours
► Overview of the Ministry of Deliverance: 2 hours
► The Bible and the Ministry of Deliverance: 3 hours
► Advanced Deliverance: 2 hours
► Maximizing Your Deliverance Ministry: 2 hours
► Group Deliverance: 2 hours
Personal Revival Precedes Corporate Revival
Our revival ministry focuses on the individual, as well as congregations. Some assume revival will just fall out of the sky without any preliminary work in an individual or a group of individuals. Not so. God always works through His people in initiating revivals, and He begins by reviving certain individuals to initiate, or to create a spark for the fire to start.
From the beginning of our ministry, our mission statement has been: Reviving believers and churches. As we have carried out our ministry, we have seen many hundreds of individuals experience life-changing revival. Here are the conditions we have found people in prior to their revival experience:
► Depression
► Oppression
► Anxiety
► Nightmares
► Night terrors
► Fears / Scared
► Hopelessness
► Suicidal
► Despair
► Addicted
► Abandoned / Rejected
► Heaviness
► Hate / Anger / Resentful
► Unforgiving / Bitterness
► Nervous
► Lonely
► Insecure / No Self-Worth / Worthlessness
► Unimportant / Useless
► Unhappy / Sadness / Grief
► Traumatized / PTSD / Complex PTSD
► Panic Attacks
► Anxiety Attacks
► Worry
► Weary
► Sorrowful
► Stress
► Victim
► Unloved
► Tormented
► Terrified
► Tearful
►”I’m hard-hearted”
►”I’m cold and indifferent toward others”
►”I’m uncaring”
►”I’m selfish”
►”I feel that God is far away”
►”I’m not a nice person”
►”I’m addicted”
►”I can’t sleep”
►”I have regrets that haunt me”
►”I have mental torment”
►”I was abused”
►”I have thoughts of suicide”
►”I can’t resist temptations”
►”I’m tormented by voices”
►”I live my life in a fog”
►”I’m depressed”
►”I’m overwhelmed by anxiety”
►”I’ve been diagnosed with a mental illness”
►”I experience unnatural occurrences in my home”
If you or those you know want to experience genuine revival, click this link to take your first step!
Praises & Prayer Requests
Praise Report
We would like you to focus on thanking God with us, for He always has proven faithful in providing all our needs—we are so blessed!
Thank You to All Supporters of This Ministry!
We are greatly appreciative of all those who regularly support this ministry, and we cannot express our deep gratitude for your prayer and financial investment into the lives we impact!
You Can be a Part of This Ministry
If you would like to be part of this growing Indonesian ministry, consider making a one-time gift or becoming a regular monthly donor.
Our Feet Overseas
Working Among Some of the World’s
Most Unreached People
Christmas Donations
At the first part of December we invited ministry partners to consider a special Christmas offering for the ministry on the island of Sumatra. We wanted to report that the amount received was $25,160, and one hundred percent of that was transferred to them. A large portion of that amount was distributed among many churches for Christmas celebrations. Portions of that amount also went toward the purchase of motorcycles for evangelists, and the support of children’s education, ministry training, and orphans and widows.
In addition to that amount, a significant donation was made by New Hope Christian Center, in Waterloo, IN, toward planting a church in a major Sumatran city.
These pictures are from the Christmas Celebration