“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15
Beautiful Feet’s purpose is simply this: Reviving Believers and Churches, specifically in the tristate area of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Read below for more information on how this ministry came into being.

Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
Missionaries & Revivalists
Beautiful Feet is a non-profit revival ministry that was started by Chet & Phyllis Swearingen. The ministry had its beginning in November 2013 when Chet & Phyllis were in the USA on furlough from their overseas ministry.
Immediately after watching a Billy Graham video, in November 2013, Chet began to pray for the USA and its spiritual condition. He then, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said, “these are my people.” By saying that he understood the deeper and expanded meaning to be:
This is my culture. These are the people I’m to focus on now. The people living here in this tristate region (IN, MI, OH) is where I’m to focus my ministry as an evangelist as well as laboring as a revivalist to see churches become more fully alive.
As Chet continued to pray, he felt an overwhelming burden for the lost, as well as a burden for The Church, which is the Lord’s tool to reach the lost. Not knowing if he was experiencing an emotional reaction from watching “The Cross,” he began to seek God for confirmation. If this was truly God, it would require a major ministry change, and he and his wife would have to leave their developing and productive ministry overseas and relocate back to the USA.
Chet & Phyllis then invited 8 churches, as well as 70 other intercessors, to begin praying for a youth ministry preaching engagement that was to take place at their sending church (New Hope Christian Center, Waterloo, IN) on January 29, 2014. Chet asked the Lord to make it manifestly clear that he had heard Him accurately by God making His presence known in an undeniable way on that night.
On January 29th, two hours prior to the youth service, Chet and 6 others assembled at the church to pray for God to give the unique and special sign they were seeking. During the time of prayer the presence of God came into the basement room where they were praying. The presence of God was so thick that it was hard to breathe. Chet sensed the Lord directing him to ask one of the intercessors who was praying with him to have the youth worship team come and be prayed for. When that team of musicians and singers came into the room they also sensed the presence of God.
The youth service began with 25 minutes of worship, then Chet preached a simple ten-minute salvation message, gave an alter call, and approximately 30 came forward. Many of them confessed that their hearts were on fire. There was a tangible manifestation of the Holy Spirit at work in the youth as the tears flowed down and praises went up.
After the service several of the teens, who had been Christians for a long time, testified that they had never experienced the presence and power of God on that level before. That was the sign Chet was seeking from the Lord, and he believes God is going to do that over and over again in the future as he ministers in churches throughout the tristate region of IN, MI, and OH.