
What We Do Overseas

Chet & Phyllis Swearingen
Missionaries & Revivalists

Chet & Phyllis Swearingen lived in a restricted access nation for over 5 years and witnessed a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit – which is ongoing. Though currently living in the USA, they are still involved with the work overseas, by making return visits from time-to-time, fundraising, translation work, and networking for their national partners.



►Support of National Church-Planters

►Church-Planter Training School

►Ongoing Leadership Development on the Field

►Support of Evangelism Teams

Student in the first jungle school that was started in 2011.

Student in the first jungle school
that was started in 2011.

►Start Up and Support of Jungle Elementary Schools

►Narcotic & Mental Health Rehab Center

►Feeding the Poor

►Support of Orphans and Widows

►Providing Clean Water (wells and filtration)

Hosting Short-Term Teams: If your fellowship/youth group would want to consider a ministry trip to this location, please let us know. We can lead several of these teams per year.


Contact Chet & Phyllis to see how you can be a part in their overseas ministry.

Email: romans1015@outlook.com

Phone: (260) 920-8248

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