.. . . Tri-State
>Some of the World’s Most
Next month we plan to report on a 1995 revival that occurred in the USA that began at one church and spread throughout the nation, yet it is, for some reason, rarely spoken of. We want to take that revival story and show:
► What precipitated that move of God.
► How it spread.
► How it impacted future leaders of the nation.
► How its impact is still felt today.
► What we must do to experience the same today.
Accounts of Revival
This month marks 4 years that we have been writing accounts of revivals, with our first one being the 1905 Mukti Revival. We had no idea our work would become a global revival resource, and we feel very honored that God has led us in what we have done. During the month of November we completed the following revival account:
► 1999 Mornington Island Revival
All 135 accounts of revival can be read on our website with this link.
Encounter Night
The next Encounter Night at New Hope Christian Center will be Sunday, January 9, 2022, beginning at 6pm.
Why these evenings are so different:
► The amount of prayer in preparation is intense.
► The extra time given to praise, worship, and testimonies arrests God’s attention.
► The level of faith exercised by those in attendance amplifies God’s presence.
► The expectation of Encountering God leads to a genuine encounter with Him.
If your spiritual life has been mediocre or in serious decline, these nights are opportunities for revival.
► A fast is being called for, following the New Year Celebrations, leading up to New Hope Christian Center’s Encounter Night, January 9.
Each person is free to fast according to how they feel led of God.
► Pray for churches in the region to begin conducting something like the Encounter Nights that New Hope Christian Center has been conducting for the last year. It is efforts like these that have sparked revivals throughout history.
► Pray for church leaders to have the courage to speak against the secularization of the Church, and for them to begin to overtly engage the demonic powers that are obstinately opposing revival.
► There are many Christians that live with spiritual oppressiveness, and that need not be. Pray for them to take the steps necessary to experience the freedom Christ has already purchased for them. They can apply for prayer for their personal freedom with this link.
Our Feet Overseas
Working Among Some of the World’s
Most Unreached People .
$10,000 Goal Exceeded!
You Did It! You helped us not only reach our goal of $10,000, but we exceeded it! Beginning in October we began raising support to assist with the rapid expansion that is taking place among the churches in Indonesia, and the amount that came in was $10,100. Those donations will go toward a wide assortment of projects:
► Social ministry—widows and orphan support
► Church construction
► Training of church leaders and evangelists
► Church-Planter Training School
► Schools for children
► Motorcycle and travel expenses
If you would like to become a monthly supporter of the ministry in Indonesia, or give a special one-time gift, you are more than welcome to do so. Donations can be made by clicking this link.
One hundred percent of your donation for Indonesia will go toward these projects. Unlike most non-profit organizations, we will not reduce or deduct anything from the amount you give for salaries or administrative expenses.
Delivering rice to widows
Jungle baptism
First service at new church
Make FREEDOM Your Goal for 2022
Many hundreds of people during the last few years have experienced a measure of emotional and spiritual freedom they never knew possible. You can experience it as well, and we want to encourage you to take steps in that direction.
The primary candidates for this ministry of freedom are CHILDREN, TEENS, and YOUNG ADULTS. The younger the person, the easier it is to free them from emotional or spiritual barriers, and at the same time set them up for a lifetime of blessing. But no matter the age, this ministry is available for all. Click this link to apply.
Freedom Ministries
Have you heard of Merrill F. Unger, the well-known professor of Old Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary? This is the same Unger who authored 40 books, some of which you have undoubtedly come across during your studies of the Bible:
► Unger’s Bible Dictionary
► Unger’s Bible Handbook
► Unger’s Commentary on the Old Testament
Unger’s doctrinal writings on demonology, as found in his 1970 book, Demons in the World Today, remarkably corresponds to the biblical approach we have used during the last few years while ministering deliverance and freedom to many hundreds of people.
We wanted to add a few quotes from Unger’s book to illustrate how secular the Church has become, and steps we must take if we are ever to be a threat to Satan’s kingdom.
The Reality
“Every day, experience adds its testimony to that of the Scripture that believers can be oppressed and enslaved by demon powers.” (pg. 185)
“In my personal experience, the majority of those for whom I have prayed for deliverance from occult [demonic] oppression or subjection were Christians, including ministers and the wives of ministers.” (pg. 185)
“Believers can be hindered, bound, and oppressed by Satan and even indwelt by one or more demons, who may derange the mind and afflict the body. This does not mean, of course, that all physical or mental ills are caused by demon spirits. But it does mean that certain ones may be caused by demons, and when the demon is expelled, the particular mental or physical malady is removed.” (pg. 185)
“Probably the most astonishing cases of occult [demonic] enslavement of Christians, concerns those who are trapped in false doctrine, especially in error concerning deeper spiritual living and who parade as apostles of light.” (pg. 186)
“That many regenerated people need to claim deliverance from evil spirits indwelling them is a fact that we would prefer to think is not true, but which is all too true. And must be faced realistically by pastors and counselors who would lay claim to competence and effectiveness in discharging their high and holy calling… If Christian pastors fail to help the occultly [demonically] oppressed, who will be able to help?” (pg. 186-187)
Denial Satan Exists
“The sad truth is that, due to liberal theology, the reality of Satan and demons is widely denied today, so that many professing Christians cannot cope with their enemy because they refuse to recognize he exists. Such denials, of course, do not affect the existence of the powers of darkness. They exist no matter how sincerely their nonexistence is insisted upon. Avowals of their nonexistence served to accentuate the ignorance of so many, in a realm where to be ignorant is to be imperiled.” (pg. 187)
“Even in evangelical circles, where Satan and demons are recognized as existing, an atmosphere of make-believe prevails with regard to the extensive influence these malevolent spirits exercise against the human race. Though tacitly [silently], the unscriptural idea is widely entertained that demonism presents no serious threat to the Christian today. The general truth that Christ defeated Satan and demon powers at Calvary is popularly presented, but the believer’s need for constant reliance upon God and use of spiritual armor is left unexplained. Consequently, the intensity of spiritual conflict and the disastrous results of defeat are little recognized, and many believers fall victim to Satan because they are not aware of his presence! (pg. 188)
The Secular Church
“Certainly there is no excuse for the church to surrender its charismatic power to heal and deliver from satanic oppression. In the very measure that it does, it advertises its spiritual bankruptcy and makes itself a weak institution that no longer commands the respect of the spiritually needy masses. No wonder multitudes are seeking spiritual reality in Oriental religions, non-Christian faiths, and occult-oriented perversions of Christianity. Christian faith is so devitalized by apostacy and so contaminated with men’s opinions and a defective presentation of Jesus Christ that it is becoming a hollow shell, powerless to affect men’s lives.” (pg. 190)
“As a result of forfeiting a clear presentation of Christ’s redemptive power and of not using its charismatic power to heal and to deliver from satanic oppression today, the pastoral ministry becomes no more effective than the secular role of the clinical psychologist, the social worker, or the humanistic philosopher. The tragic result is that people who suffer from spiritual, mental, physical, or psychic disorders, which only Christ can really cure, are turned over to other professionals for medical or psychotherapeutic treatment which cannot reach the heart of the matter.” (pg. 190)
“The more sin has been minimized and Satan mythologized, the more insidious have been the inroads these evil powers have been making into the professing Church.” (pg. 191)