Extraordinary Prayer

John Girardeau
►In the summer of 1857, at the Anson Street Presbyterian Church in Charleston, South Carolina, the congregation of 48 blacks and 12 whites were called to pray for revival by their pastor, John L. Girardeau.
► The congregation intentionally and patiently sought the Lord in prayer while preaching services were put on hold. According to the custom of that time, blacks and whites attended services together.
What Happened
►One evening, while in prayer with the congregation, Girardeau said he “felt as if a surge of electricity struck his head and filled his entire being.”
►Girardeau looked up and saw those praying with him trembling and in tears. The Holy Spirit had come upon them as well.
►Their prayers became more fervent as they continued praying for the souls of their lost neighbors and loved ones.
►This then led to a move of the Holy Spirit which lasted for 8 weeks.
►Crowds of 1,500 to 2,000 gathered from across the city from every background.

Anson Street Presbyterian
The Results
►Many were saved.
►Every church in the city grew.
►A church of Beaufort, South Carolina, received over 400 new members in 3 days.
►”The spiritual atmosphere over Charleston was altered and a window for revival had been opened to the entire nation.”
Above Picture – September 1959
Zion Presbyterian Church prior to its demolition.
In April 1859 the congregation of Anson Street Presbyterian moved into a new building at the intersection of Meeting and Calhoun Streets. They renamed their congregation Zion Presbyterian.
The influence of Zion was so great within Charleston that Girardeau and its leadership were often criticized, and even at times physically threatened, for that influence. For example, the teaching and training of hymns and songs was so effective that some believed that Girardeau was teaching the slaves to read, which was contrary to state law at that time.
Today the church’s name is “Zion Olivet Presbyterian Church”, located at 134 Cannon Street, Charleston, SC.
• This Day in Presbyterian History
• John L. Girardeau by Erskine Clarke
• Preachers with Power by Douglas F. Kelly
• The Life Work of John L. Girardeau by George A. Blackburn
• Anson Street Revival of 1857
• Anson Street Revival Anniversary
Return to List of Revival Stories
Chet & Phyllis Swearingen:
Office: (260) 920-8248
Beautiful Feet
P.O. Box 915
Auburn, IN 46706